Things You Should Know About Renting in Taipei

To have an enjoyable renting experience, sometimes convenience that supports daily routines matters more than just the property itself. Here are some common headaches that happen mostly to foreign tenants in Taipei and Kolette has solutions.

Garbage and Recycling

People living in a modern city now can easily generate lots of garbage in a blink. Taking care of garbage is always a tricky thing for those who just move to the area. Since Taipei city implemented a garbage collection system, people now have to buy and use specific trash bags for trash. Almost everyday Taipei trash and recycle trucks arrive at the assigned neighborhood at a certain time to collect garbage. If people unfortunately miss the window, they will have to wait for the next time.
That’s why Kolette’s properties come with the built-in garbage and recycling services. Tenants can avoid all the hassles of figuring out which trash bags to buy or chasing after the trash trucks.

Electric Home Appliances

With many different electric home appliances running at home like AC, washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters, it is frustrating when something does not work. Is the landlord going to respond and help in a timely manner? If the landlord doesn’t respond promptly, can the tenants reach out to technicians themselves? Who to reach out to? These are questions that tenants frequently wonder. Kolette’s responsive customer service team (containing actual local human beings!) always stands by to free our tenants from those awkward situations.

Daily Essentials

Short-term-stay tenants, Kolette is ready to host you. Specific home and/or electric appliances can be requested based on tenants’ needs. Many short-term tenants are in a dilemma of whether to buy or to suffer from the inconvenience for the time being. Some items are essential and basic for the locals; however, for the short-term tenants, buying first and getting rid of them when moving out can be quite frustrating. Kolette understands the dilemma and therefore a customized home goods solution is available.

Having a helpful and responsive landlord is one of the most important factors of living happily abroad. Kolette, a professional group that takes care of people's problems with a caring heart, is the one-stop shop for tenants who value convenience and quality. We believe that supporting the overall experience is the key to helping people live in their home away from home. To find out more about how to smoothen the living experience in Taipei, contact us today and let’s chat!